Thursday, March 8, 2007


It is inevitble. I am gonna have to "serve somebody". In addition to myself and my child. I am gonna have to "serve somebody". And believe them over someone else. Over myself. Too many specialists, professionals, and intellectuals. And I will take their advice and trust that they know what they are talking about. Because they care about me, right? And more often than not, it will not be a person on my team. It will be the "other". The person that is currently at top of the polls. On top of their reading of classics or the one that has caught the best of Hollywood's attention.

(South Beach Diet, Atkins Diet, Diet Soda's, Diet frickin' Cupcakes...They will save your life! Instead of working out just deprive your body of fatty foods! Yup, especially in obese children, that is sure to help their brains develop!)


I am gonna have to "serve somebody".

They will have control over my seemingly uncontrollable destiny.

They will tell me that I cannot adequately maintain proper protein and calcium in my diet because I am a vegan. Perhaps, I will have osteoperosis by my early 30's. Red meat is the only source for iron, Karla.

Are they right?

They will say they are.

Will they let me down gently?


I am gonna have to "serve somebody."

I am prey to the powerful, almighty, forces that are not at work in Nature but in Big Business. Forces at work with the false reality of the media and then of course the neurons-firing in my head that lead me astray from time to time.

I think within the next decade the only thing I will say for sure will is :
I am never alone when I am alone.

Because They are always watching.

It is getting harder and harder to live.

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